Kyoritsu Coll. Pharmacy Tokyo Jpn | 論文
- Conventional Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Utilized for Polymeric Micelle by Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization
- プラズマ技法による乾式DDS開発
- Preparation of Floating Drug Delivery System by Plasma Technique
- Immobilization of Antithrombotic Biomolecules on LDPE Surface Functionalized by Plasma Techniques
- Synthesis of DNA Conjugate by Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization and Its Affinity Separation of Oligonucleotides Having Single-Base Difference by Capillary Electrophoresis
- 病院・薬局処方で粉砕される市販錠剤からのラジカルの生成
- Mechanochemical Solid-State Polymerization (XI) : Effect of Water-Insoluble Pharmaceutical Aids on Drug Release from Mechanically Synthesized Polymeric Prodrugs
- Novel and Simple Preparation Method of Matrix-Type Composite Particles for Controlled Drug Release by Mechanical Action
- Nature of Mechanoradical Formation of Substituted Celluloses as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance
- ステンレス製容器を用いたメカノケミカル固相反応によるリボフラビンラジカルの生成
- 「日向天照水」の分析と評価
- Urinary Excretion of D-Serine in Human : Comparison of Different Ages and Species
- Peroxy Radical Formation from Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Polyethylene as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Low Density Polyethylene(LDPE) Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Nature of Auto-oxidations on Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Aromatic Ring-containing Polymers as Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Nature of Auto-oxidations on Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Polyethylene Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Plasma-induced Surface Radicals of Low Density Polyethylene Studied by Electron Spin Resonance.
- Special Features of Peroxy Radicals on Plasma-Irradiated Polymers.
- Nature of Auto-Oxidations on Plasma-Induced Surface Radicals of Polyethylene Studied by Electron Spin Resonance
- Special Features of Peroxy Radicals on Plasma-irradiated Polymers