Kyorin University School Of Health Sciences | 論文
- リスクマネジメント
- 注射事故防止に求められる医師, 薬剤師と看護師の有効な連携
- ヒヤリ・ハット1万事例の事実整理から学んだこと : 看護職の皆さんに知ってほしいこと
- 医療事故防止とリスクマネジメント(第41回(千葉)放射線治療分科会)
- 与薬事故防止で求められる病院薬剤師の役割 : 看護の注射エラー発生要因の分析より
- 医療事故防止とリスクマネジメント
- 転倒・転落事故に関する背景要因分析
- High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of quercetin in human plasma and urine utilizing solid-phase extraction and ultraviolet detection
- Determination of rutin in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography utilizing solid-phase extraction and ultraviolet detection
- Determination of naringin and naringenin in human urine by high-performance liquid chromatography utilizing solid-phase extraction
- Determination of naringin and naringenin in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography
- LEFT-RIGHT ASYMMETRICAL CROSSING OF RETINAL GANGLION CELL AXONS IN FLOUNDERS(Developmental Biology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- A Biochemical Study of the Mechanisms of Oxidative Damage Caused by Mental Stress
- Simultaneous determination of glucuronic acid and sulfuric acid conjugated metabolites of daidzein and genistein in human plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography
- 看護師の医療安全教育 (特集 医療安全を推進する教育・研修) -- (教育・研修の具体的な取り組み事例)
- Effects of Plant Polyphenols on the Copper : Induced Oxidation of Human Serum Lipid
- 現実的なリスクマネジメント--間違いを事故につなげない対策の強化を! (FEATURE どこまで必要? 病棟のリスクマネジメント)
- Inhibition of Oxidative Polymerization of Chlorogenic Acid (Monocaffeoylquinate) by Chicoric Acid (Dicaffeoyltartarate)
- The Effect of Heat Treatment Against Oocysts in Eimeria krijgsmanni
- Effects of Plant Polyphenols on the Auto-Oxidation of L-Ascorbic Acid with Cu++