Korea Meteorological Administration | 論文
- Growth Rate, Seasonal, Synoptic, Diurnal Variations and Budget of Methane in the Lower Atmosphere
- 気象庁全球予報モデルを用いた1993, 94年夏のアンサンブル季節予報実験
- An Operational VHF Broadband Digital Interferometer for Lightning Monitoring
- HydroKorea and CarboKorea : cross-scale studies of ecohydrology and biogeochemistry in a heterogeneous and complex forest catchment of Korea
- 530 Micro Deburring Technology Using Ultrasonic Cavitation
- 暑い夏ほど氷が成長する韓国の不思議なIce Valley
- 韓国Ice Valleyにおける夏季氷結現象の研究 -現地観測の結果報告-
- Orerational Prediction of Typhoon Track at KMA using Barotropic Adaptive-grid Typhoon Simulation(BATS)Model
- Source parameters of the 2011 Yellow Sea earthquake (M[L] 5.3) : Different features from earthquakes on the Korean Peninsula
- Source parameters of the 2011 Yellow Sea earthquake (M_L 5.3) : Different features from earthquakes on the Korean Peninsula