Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources | 論文
- Heat-resistant ceramics based on LAS-system non-metallic mineral and its thermal shock resistance
- 2.5次元直流比抵抗モデリングにおけるフーリエ交換されたポテンシャルの指数関数外挿
- Interpretation of static-shifted 2D MT data observed in Jeju island using 3D inversion (Space, Aeronautical and navigational electronics: 第9回地下電磁計測ワークショップ)
- A 3D analysis of MT data collected in Pohang, Korea (Space, Aeronautical and navigational electronics: 第9回地下電磁計測ワークショップ)
- A fast conductivity imaging using an approximate wavefield transform of frequency-domain EM data
- ストリーマー電気探査による川底下の断層の検出
- Measurement of micro-electric potentials and acoustic emissions accompanied with specimen failure in uniaxial compressive test
- Effect of measurement cables to field data in the DC resistivity survey
- Preliminary GPS results and a possible neotectonic interpretation for South Korea
- EM トモグラフィシステムの開発 - 最終年度の成果について -
- Development of a ground-based Synthetic aperture radar system for highly repeatable measurements (Space, Aeronautical and navigational electronics: 第9回地下電磁計測ワークショップ)
- 日豪韓物理探査三学会初の共同出版の試み
- Efficient crosswell EM Tomography using localized nonlinear approximation
- Inequality constraint in least-squares inversion of geophysical data
- High-Frequency Electromagnetic Inversion for a Dispersive Layered Earth
- High-Resolution Subsurface Imaging with Electromagnetic Impedance
- ストリーマー電気探査による川底下の断層の検出
- Visualization of subsurface inhomogeneities by 3-D ERT (Space, Aeronautical and navigational electronics: 第9回地下電磁計測ワークショップ)
- Three-dimensional SIP imaging of the drill-hole core sample: preliminary study: numerical simulation (Space, Aeronautical and navigational electronics: 第9回地下電磁計測ワークショップ)
- 地下LNG貯蔵プラント周辺岩盤の低温環境下における状態変化の調査