Kobayashi Institute of Physical Research | 論文
- Dielectric, Piezoelectric and Optical Properties of Hot-Pressed Sr(La_Nb_)O_3-PbZrO_3-PbTiO_3 Ceramics
- A New Transparent Ferroelectric Ceramic, Lanthanum Modified Lead-Barium Metaniobate (PBLN)
- 超音波による光のプラグ回折の角度依存性の微細構造
- Anomalies in Electron-Diffraction Debye-Scherrer Ring
- Electron-Diffraction Study on Behaviors of Metals Deposited on Crystal Surfaces : Part II. Diffusion Phenomena of Metal Atoms on Galena
- Absorption Spectra of Dyes in Solution
- Properties of Tetragonal PLZT with Reference to its Diffuse Phase Transition
- Study of Hot-Pressed Ba(Ca_Nb_)O_3-PbZrO_3-PbTiO_3 Ceramics : I. Electrical and Optical Properties at Room Temperature
- Study of Hot-Pressed Ba(Ca_Nb_)O_3-PbZrO_3-PbTiO_3 Ceramics : II. Phase Transition
- Electron-Diffraction Study on Behaviors of Metals deposited on Crystal Surfaces : Part I. Metals deposited on Galena
- Time Decrease of Magnetic Permeability in Some Mixed Ferrites
- Field Effect on Molybdenite
- A Semi-empirical Theory of the Conjugated Systems : II. Bond Alternation in Conjugated Chains
- Magnetostriction Constants of Mn-Zn-Fe Ferrites
- Theory of Electrochemical Diodes
- On Phase Transformation of BaTiO_3
- New piezoelectric moduli of wood : d_ and d_
- Proposal for Experiments for Determination of Beta-Decay Interaction and Theory of Triple Cascade Transition
- Explicit Formulae of Bota-Gamma Directional Correlation