Kitasato Univ. East Hospital Sagamihara Jpn | 論文
- Up-regulation and nuclear localization of β-catenin in endometrial carcinoma in response to progesterone therapy
- Squamous cell carcinoma arising from a seminal vesicular cyst : Possible relationship between chronic inflammation and tumor development
- Basic studies of vascular images as seen with indocyanine green-guided infrared ray electronic endoscopy as compared with microangiography
- Bottom-up cell proliferation with cyclin A and p27^ expression in ulcerative colitis-associated dysplasia
- A Case of Advanced Esophageal Carcinoma with a Prolonged Complete Response to Chemoradiotherapy
- The 5D4 antibody (anti-cyclin D1/D2) related antigen : Cytoplasmic staining is correlated to the progression of gastric cancer
- Low levels of apoptosis and proliferative activity in colorectal villous tumors : Comparison with tubular tumors
- K-ras Point Mutations in the Supernatants of Pancreatic Juice and Bile Are Reliable for Diagnosis of Pancreas and Biliary Tract Carcinomas Complementary to Cytologic Examination
- Detection of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in cervical neoplasia is closely related to the degree of infiltrating lymphoid cells : A polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization approach
- Apoptosis and proliferative activity of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas : Comparison with expression of bcl-2, p53 and c-myc proteins
- Different expression of Bcl-2 protein in gastric adenomas and carcinomas
- Apoptosis of colon cancers assessed by in situ DNA nick end-labeling method
- Apoptosis in Gastric Carcinomas and Its Association with Cell Proliferation and Differentiation
- Midkine expression in colorectal tumors : Correlation with Ki-67 labeling in sporadic, but not ulcerative colitis-associated ones
- Significant increase of colonic mutated crypts correlates with age in sporadic cancer and diverticulosis cases, with higher frequency in the left- than right-side colorectum
- Significant correlation of morphological remodeling in ulcerative colitis with disease duration and between elevated p53 and p21^ expression in rectal mucosa and neoplastic development
- Simplified rapid non-radioactive PCR-SSCP method applied to K-ras mutation analysis
- Population changes in immunoglobulin-containing mononuclear cells in dextran sulfate sodium-induced coltitis