Kimoto Electric Co. Ltd. | 論文
- Specific Chemiluminescence from Singlet Oxygen Generated by the Reaction of Acetonitrile and Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Alkali Halide
- Simple and Sensitive Detection Cell for Capillary Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence Analysis Using Peroxyoxalate Reagent
- Potentiometric Performance of Silver Ion-Selective Electrodes Based on Tridentate Schiff Base Derivatives
- Discrimination of Ionic Pollutants except Condensation Nuclei of Acid Fog Using an Ultrasonic Humidifier
- Study of Errors in Determination of Hydrogen Ion Concentrations in Rainwater Samples Using Glass Electrode Method
- Numerical Evaluation of Contributions of Pollutant Sources Extracted by Constrained Oblique Rotational Factor Analysis for Precipitation Data. Extraction of Features of Precipitations at Hyogo and Akita Areas
- Open-cell Titration of Seawater for Alkalinity Measurements by Colorimetry Using Bromophenol Blue Combined with a Non-linear Least-squares Method
- Development of an in situ manganese analyzer using micro-diaphragm pumps and its application to time-series observations in a hydrothermal field at the Suiyo seamount
- Correlation analysis between fatty acid compositions of zooplankter individuals, fed on different phytoplankton species by means of pyrolysis-gas chromatography combined with on-line methylation
- Analysis of Lipid Components in Zooplankter Individuals by Reactive Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography in the Presence of Organic Alkali
- Achieving High Time-Resolution with a New Flow-through Type Analyzer for Total Inorganic Carbon in Seawater
- Simultaneous Vertical Measurements of In Situ pH and CO_2 in the Sea Using Spectrophotometric Profilers
- Current Generation by Fullerene in the Presence of Tetraphenylborate at a Nitrobenzene|Water Interface under Illumination with a Fluorescent Light
- Determination of Sulfide with Acidic Permanganate Chemiluminescence for Development of Deep-sea in-situ Analyzers
- An Analysis of Diesel Flame by Picture Processing
- Origin and Transportation Course of Heavy Metal Elements in the Particulate Matter (PM) at the Hachimantai Mountain Range in Northern Japan