Kazusa Dna Res. Institutes | 論文
- Suppression of carotenoid synthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis cultured cells over-expressing the AHL29/SOB3 gene
- Transient increase in salicylic acid and its glucose conjugates after wounding in Arabidopsis leaves
- トマト果実におけるカルコンとフラバノンの代謝物プロファイリング
- Screening for γ-aminobutyric Acid (GABA)-rich Tomato Varieties
- Molecular and genetic characterization of transgenic tomato expressing 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase
- Meatabolomic analysis of model legume plant Lotus japonicus
- 機能的スクリーニングとマクロアレイ解析によるナシ果実の成熟に関係する細胞外因子の網羅的研究
- トマト新奇糖輸送体の機能解析 : (第2報)細胞内局在の検定と遺伝子発現応答
- ナショナルバイオリソースプロジェクト「トマト」 Micro-Tom を基盤としたリソース整備事業について
- Over-expression of transcription associated factor genes co-expressed with genes of the mevalonate pathway, upstream of isoprenoid biosynthesis, in Arabidopsis cultured cells
- Approaches for Extracting Practical Information from Gene Co-expression Networks in Plant Biology
- Improvement of the quantitative differential metabolome pipeline for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data by automated reliable peak selection
- DAGViz : a directed acyclic graph browser that supports analysis of Gene Ontology annotation
- A tool for high-throughput prediction of molecular formulas and identification of isotopic peaks from large-scale mass spectrometry data
- Metabolite Profiling of Chalcones and Flavanones in Tomato Fruit
- Non-biased distribution of tomato genes with no counterparts in Arabidopsis thaliana in expression patterns during fruit maturation
- MiBASE : A database of a miniature tomato cultivar Micro-Tom
- Ethylmethanesulfonate (EMS) mutagenesis of Solanum lycopersicum cv. Micro-Tom for large-scale mutant screens
- Metabolic Alterations in Organic Acids and γ-Aminobutyric Acid in Developing Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Fruits
- Biochemical Mechanism on GABA Accumulation During Fruit Development in Tomato