Kanazawa Institute of Technology | 論文
- Analysis of the Photocouplings of Baryon Resonances
- 1209 ベンチュリを用いたトラベリングバブルキャビテーションの挙動に関する研究
- 部分安定化ジルコニアの圧縮強度と相変態
- Structural Properties of Amorphous Carbon Nitride Films Prepared by Reactive RF-Magnetron Sputtering
- ホットプレス法により作製したALON基複合セラミックスの特性
- ALON基複合セラミックスの高温中の機械的性質(第2報) : ALON基複合セラミックスの剛性率と内部摩擦の温度依存性
- ALON基複合セラミックスの高温中の機械的性質(第1報) : ALON-BN複合セラミックスの酸化が機械的性質に及ぼす影響
- ALONとその複合セラミックス
- Effect of Various Factors on Transverse Shrinkage under Butt Welding(Mechanics, Strength & Structure Design)
- Molecular Orientation of Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films Fabricated by Polarized-Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Anisotropic Molecular Orientation of Poly(o-trimethylsilyl)-Phenylacetylene Film Swollen under High Magnetic Field
- Effect of cooling rate after polymer melting on electrical properties of high-density polyethylene/Ni composites
- Capacity of Second-Order Bidirectional Associative Memory with Finite Neuron Numbers
- Annealing Behavior of Emission Bands Induced by Neutron Irradiation in Silica Glass
- Air Purification Capability of Charcoal and Its Evaluation
- ねじり試験による金属材料の高温変形過程の解析
- Preparation of Fullerenes by Arc Discharge Method : Effects of Deposition Temperature
- Preparation of Fullerenes by Arc Discharge between Graphite Anode and Tungsten Cathode--Effects of Arc Temperatures (特集 炭素系機能材料)
- Preparation of Fullerenes by Arc Discharge between Graphite Anode and Tungsten Cathode--Effects of Gas Species (特集 炭素系機能材料)