Kanazawa Institute of Technology | 論文
- Suppression of Diamagnetic Susceptibility in Extremely Thin Cylindrical Superconductor
- Reversible T_c Change in Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Films by UV Photo and Thermal Annealings : High Temperature Superconducting Thin-Films(Solid State Devices and Materials 1)
- Light Irradiation Effect on the Preparation of High-T_c Yb-Ba-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Films : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Preparation of High-T_c Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconducting Thin Films by AC Sputtering : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Some Problems in the Preparation of Superconducting Oxide Films on Ceramic Substrates
- High T_c Yb-Ba-Cu-O Thin Films Deposited on Sintered YSZ Substrates by Sputtering
- 60-GHz Virtual Common-Drain-Biased Oscillator Design Using an Empirical HEMT Model
- 金沢工業大学 : ゲノム生物工学研究所(中部支部,Branch Spirit)
- 銅合金の高温硬さに及ぼす組成と積層欠陥エネルギ-の影響
- 15. Estuation of contribution of peripheral chemosensitivity on exercise hyperpnea by the method of single vital capacity breath test
- 3. The "cardiodynamic theory" can not explain the hyperpnea during handgrip static exercise
- ALON系複合セラミックスの溶鋼溶損特性
- ALON系複合セラミックスの溶鋼反応特性におよぼすALON, BN, YAGの影響
- ALON系複合セラミックスの溶鋼反応特性
- 303 ALON-BN複合セラミックスの耐熱衝撃性(セラミック複合材料)
- 302 ALON-BN複合セラミックスの溶鋼反応特性(セラミック複合材料)
- Note on the Photocouplings of Mesons
- Hadron Matrix Elementsd of Quark Operators in the Relativistic Quark Model. II : Model Calculation
- Hadron Matrix Elements of Quark Operators in the Relativistic Quark Model
- Decays of the New and Old Hadrons. I : On the Universality of Baryons and Mesons