Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History | 論文
- Notes on Two Species of the Genus Perlohmannia Berlese (Acari,Perlohmanniidae) Taxonomic Notes on Oribatid Mites of Hokkaido.II
- Sphodrocepheus mitratus,the Second Repreesentative of the Gemus Found in Centrl Japan (Acari;Cryptostigmata)
- Einige Neue Oribatiden aus dem Kaiserlichen Palastgarten Japans
- Two New Species of the Genus Planaeschna (Odonata : Aeshnidae) from Central Vietnam
- Notes on the Chinese Planaeschna (Odonata : Aeshnidae) deposited in the Natural History Museum, London, with description of a new species from southern China
- New species of the genus Chlorogomphus from Yunnan, Chiba (Cordulegastridae : Chlorogomphinae)
- Additional Records of the Ogasawaran Endemic Tomoxia relicta TAKAKUWA (Coleoptera, Mordellidae)
- Glipostena pelecotomoidea (PIC) (Coleoptera, Mordellidae), Newly Recorded from the Tokara Islands of the Northern Ryukyus
- A Record of Glipa apicalis PIC (Coleoptera, Mordellidae) from Thailand
- 琉球南部産キンオビハナノミ属の美しい1新種
- 小笠原諸島の小島嶼におけるトラカミキリの記録
- 南ベトナムから発見された Schmidtiana 属の1新種
- スマトラ島産ベニボシカミキリの1新種
- Holocene ostracods from the borehole core at Oppama Park, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, central Japan : Paleoenvironmental analysis and the discovery of a fossil ostracod with three-dimensionally preserved soft parts
- 小笠原諸島から発見されたフタツメケシカミキリ属の1新種と新亜属の記載
- Vietnamese Odonata collected in 1992-2003 surveys I. Aeshnidae
- Records of Two Species of the Genus Glipa (Coleoptera, Mordellidae) from Nias Island, West Indonesia
- Description of Devadatta cyanocephala sp. nov. from Vietnam (Zygoptera : Amphipterygidae)
- New Record of Glipa obliquivittata (Coleoptera, Mordellidae) from Taiwan, with Complementary Description of the Taxon
- Description of a new species of the genus Cephalaeschna (Anisoptera : Aeshnidae) from Northern Vietnam