- 第2回アジア・オーストラリア複合材料会議(ACCM-2000)報告
- Axial Magnetic Shielding with Open Cylindrical Shields
- Cylindrical Magnetic Shield Consisting of Two C-Shaped Blocks with Magnetic Shaking Enhancement
- 中国雲南省怒江地域に分布する泥質片麻岩に認められるセクター構造を示すザクロ石の包有物
- 22aVE-3 BaTiO_3単結晶の表面伝導層の安定性(22aVE 誘電体(輸送現象),領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン物性))
- OS1005 生体吸収性複合系スキャホールドの圧縮変形挙動と細胞接着性(生体と材料力学,オーガナイズドセッション)
- Does the Regional Oxygen Uptake Measured by Near Infrared Spectroscopy Reflect the Phase II Pulmonary Oxygen Uptake at the Onset of Exercise?
- Photon Generation by Laser-Compton Scattering Using an Optical Resonant Cavity at the KEK-ATF Electron Ring
- PE-247 Detection of Ischemia in Patients with Acute Chest Pain by using Resting and Subsequent ATP Stress 99mTc-Tetrofosmin Myocardial SPECT(Nuclear Cardiology 9 (I) : PE42)(Poster Session (English))
- 高速度撮影法を用いたゴム変性樹脂の衝撃破壊挙動の解析(OS8-4 衝撃・高速破壊,OS8 実験力学の新たな発展)
- 0902 CTデータに基づく臼蓋形成不全股関節のモデリングと応力解析(OS34-1:筋骨格系のモデリングとシミュレーション1)
- 418 インプラントオーバーデンチャーの3次元FEAモデルの構築と応力解析(OS6-2:硬組織のバイオメカニクス(2),OS6:硬組織のバイオメカニクス)
- エキシマレーザー用ガスの光電離特性の研究
- Synthesis and properties of 2-bromo-7-(1,4,7,10-tetraoxa-13-azacyclopenodec-13-yl)-2,4,6-cycloheptatrien-1-one
- Synthesis and mercurophilic properties of of dithiocrown ethers having an azulene pendant
- Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Mesomorphic Properties of Liquid Crystals with a Bis(tropon-2-yl)-4,4’-azobisbenzoate Core
- Synthesis and Properties of Columnar Liquid Crystals and Organogelator with a Bitropone Core
- Synthesis and Properties of Cholesteryl Benzoate Derivatives : Liquid Crystals and Organogelators
- Synthesis and Mesomorphic Properties of Tropon-4-yl 4-n-Alkoxybenzoates : Roles of a Tropone Ring as a Polar Terminal Group
- Synthesis, Complexation Behaviors, and Crystal Structures of Azamacrocycles Having Tropon-2-yl Groups