Jst‐crest Saitama | 論文
- 星型高分子の溶液物性
- Molecular Mechanisms for the Optical Activities of Polyisocyanates Induced by Intramolecular Chiral Perturbations
- Expression and Imprinting Status of Human PEG8/IGF2AS, a Paternally Expressed Antisense Transcript from the IGF2 Locus, in Wilms'Tumors^1
- The Regulation and Biological Significance of Genomic Imprinting in Mammals
- Remarks on Excluded-Volume Effects in Semiflexible Polyymer Solutions
- Dilute - Solution Behavior of Cellulose Tris(3, 5 - dimethylphenylcarbamate)
- 高分子史の見どころ線状高分子のモデル化と理論化 : 旧レニングラード学派・リフソン・永井が開いた突破口
- 半屈曲性高分子濃厚溶液の構造と物性 : A Personal Overview
- 高分子液晶--最近の進歩
- ポリペプチドのコンホメ-ション--交互D.Lポリペプチドおよびコラ-ゲンモデル (高分子科学最近の進歩)
- Optically Active Polysilanes. Ten Years of Progress and New Polymer Twist for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- Light Scattering Study of Semiflexible Polymer Solutions III. Multicomponent Solutions
- Light Scattering Study of Semiflexible Polymer Solutions II. Application of an Integral Equation Theory
- ポリマーの立体構造と溶液物性