Joining and Welding Research Institute Osaka University | 論文
- Effect of Formation Parameters on Layer Properties in Electron Beam Cladding with Powder Feeder
- Formation of Cr_3C_2/Ni-Cr Alloy Layer by an Electron Beam Cladding Method and Evaluation of the Layer Properties
- Formation of W Layers on SiC Ceramics : Study on EB-PVD (report 1)
- Formation of Ni Based Self-Fluxing Alloy Layers by Electron Beam with a Powder Feeder
- Characteristics of WC-Co Layers Produced by the Electron Beam Cladding Method
- Electron Beam Cladding of WC-12%Co Alloy Powder
- Improvement of Sprayed Coatings with Ultra High Voltage EB Melting
- Forming of Thick Steel Plates with Diode Laser
- Welding and Forming of Steel Plates with Diode Laser(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- High speed welding of thin steel plates with high power and high power density diode laser system
- Materials Processing Characteristics of a 2kW Class High Power Density Direct Diode Laser System(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Development of a 50W Class Direct Diode Laser System for Materials Processing and its Processing Characteristics(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Combination Mechanism of High Speed Leading Path Laser-Arc Combination Welding(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Silver Containing Stainless Steel as a New Outlook to Abate Bacterial Adhesion and Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
- Mitigation of microfoulihg on silver contained stainless steels exposed to freshwater environment
- Ab Initio Calculation of the Crystal and Electronic Structure Properties of β-Si_3N_4
- Mechanism of Enlargement of Intimately Contacted Area in Anodic Bonding of Kovar Alloy to Borosilicate Glass
- Fabrication of Dense TiAl/Ti_2AlC Composites by Pulsed-Electric Current Sintering and Their Mechanical Properties(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Effects of Grain Size and Homogenization Heat Treatment on the HAZ Cracking Susceptibility of Cast Alloy 718
- Numerical Simulation Method on Resistance Projection Welding Control Process