Japanese Red Cross Okayama Hospital | 論文
- Retroperitoneoscopic ureterocutaneostomy for obstructive uropathy with advanced bladder cancer : A case report
- Constitutive Activation of Mitogen-activated Protein(MAP) Kinases in Human Renal Cell Carinoma.
- Per-operative frozen section examination of pelvic nodes is unnecessary for the majority of clinically localized prostate cancers in the prostate-specific antigen era
- Brain metastasis of a papillary renal cell carcinoma, identified as type 2
- Distinct Effects of Omeprazole and Rabeprazole on the Tacrolimus Blood Concentration in a Kidney Transplant Recipient
- High throughput comparative genomic hybridization array analysis of multifocal urothelial cancers
- S14-5 Management of high risk superficial bladder cancer : the timing of radical cystectomy(Symposium 14「Management of Superficial Bladder Cancer」)
- Allogeneic cell therapy from immunized donors with tumor antigen peptide enhances the antitumor effect after cyclophosphamide-using non-myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation
- Current survey of urinary tuberculosis in Hokkaido, Japan
- Guidelines for urological laparoscopic surgery
- Morbidity of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy : Summary of early multi-institutional experience in Japan
- Quality of life after laparoscopic or open radical prostatectomy : interim report on multi-institutional longitudinal study in Japan
- Retroperitoneal extragonadal germ cell tumor presenting as a bulky pelvic mass of the obturator fossa
- Vitamin B_ Deficiency in Patients with Urinary Intestinal Diversion
- Urinary Reconstruction Using Appendix as a Urinary and Catheterizable Conduit in 12 Patients
- Management of Late Complications of Continent Urinary Diversion Using the Kock Pouch and the Indiana Pouch Procedures
- Surgical outcome of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy : summary of early multiinstitutional experience in Japan
- Synchronous Testicular Seminoma and Adrenocortical Carcinoma: A Case Report
- Transurethral Electrovaporization of the Prostate: Preliminary Clinical Results with Pressure-Flow Analysis
- Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy for Bilateral Pheochromocytoma: A Case Report