Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. | 論文
- Development of NOx Recycle Process for Practical Use at Reprocessing Plant
- Development of Adsorption Process for NOx Recycling in a Reprocessing Plant
- Uptake and Loss of ^Ca^, ^Na^+, and H_2^PO_4^- by Tea Pollen Tubes
- Kinetics of Nitrous Acid-Catalyzed Oxidation of Neptunium in Nitric Acid-TBP Extraction System
- LiF-SrF2およびNaF-SrF2系における成分イオンの活量係数〔英文〕
- Calibration of Brunup Monitor Installed in Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
- Development of Adsorption Process for NOx Recycling in a Reprocessing Plant