Japan Nuclear Cycle Dev. Inst. Ibaraki | 論文
- The Effect of Bubble Size on the Radial Distribution of Void Fraction in Two-Phase Flow in a Circular Tube
- 分子系に機能を組込む (〔現代化学〕創刊400号記念特集 世界をリードする日本の化学)
- Electropolymerization of Bithienyl-appended Cerium(III) Triple Decker Porphyrin Complex
- 分子機械を利用した非線形応答化学システムの構築
- Porphyrin Polygons: A New Synthetic Strategy for Cyclic Porphyrin Oligomers Utilizing a Porphyrin Double Decker Structure
- Efficient Anion Binding to Cerium(IV) Bis(porphyrinate) Double Decker Utilizing Positive Homotropic Allosterism
- Allosteric Binding of K^+ to Crown Ether Macrocycles Appended to a Lanthanum Double Decker System
- Synthesis of New Diaryl-Substituted Triple-Decker and Tetraaryl-substituted Double-Decker Lanthanum(III) Porphyrins and Their Porphyrin Ring Rotational Speed as Compared with that of Double-Decker Cerium(IV) Porphyrins
- A Numerical Analysis of Molten Metal Drop and Coolant Interaction
- High-Speed Parallel Solution of the Neutron Diffusion Equation with the Hierarchical Domain Decomposition Boundary Element Method Incorporating Parallel Communications
- Molecular Design of Boronic Acid-Based Dye Receptors for Nucleosides
- Measurement of Burnup in FBR MOX Fuel Irradiated to High Burnup
- Analysis of Curium Isotopes in Mixed Oxide Fuel Irradiated in Fast Reactor
- Tensile Properties of 11Cr-0.5Mo-2W, V, Nb Stainless Steel in LMFBR Environment
- Prediction of Release Rate of Burnt Sodium as Aerosol
- Numerical Method for Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Geometrically Disturbed Rod Bundles
- Selective Detection of D-Lactulose by a Porphyrin-based Diboronic Acid
- A Novel Sugar Sensing System Designed with a Cooperative Action of a Boronic-Acid-Appended Zinc Porphyrin and a 3-Pyridylboronic Acid Axial Ligand
- シリ-ズ センサ-テクノロジ--11-ボロン酸をインタ-フェイスとする糖質センシング