Japan Marine Science And Technology Center | 論文
- Phase Modulation of Wave Radiated from Time Reversal Array
- Effects of Source Pulse Shape on Low-Frequency-Sound Propagation
- Isolation and Characterization of the dcw Cluster from the Piezophilic Deep-Sea Bacterium Shewanella violacea
- Search for Objects on the Deep-Sea Floor Using Side Scan Sonar with a Tilted Arrangement Transducer Array
- Sea Trial Results of a Cross Fan Beam Type Sub-Bottom Profiler
- Synonymy of Calyptogena solidissima with Calyptogena kawamurai (Bivalvia: Vesicomyidae) and Its Population Structure Revealed by Mitochondrial DNA Sequences(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- The Seven Greatest Fisheries Incidents in Japan
- Regional and semi-regional modelling of wide-angle shear waves in OBS data from the Voring Basin, N.Morway -a comparison
- Hypocenter distribution of plate boundary zone off Fukushima, Japan, derived from ocean bottom seismometer data
- P454 Properties of Convection within the ISO Observed in the Cruise of the R/V "Mirai"
- Variation of Convection over the Tropical Western Pacific in the Intraseasonal Oscillation
- Development of an Acoustic Lens for an Imaging Sonar for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle "Urashima" and Experimentation in a Water Tank(Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology)
- Experiments for Acoustic Digital Data Communication Using Frequency Shift Keying Modulation
- Evaluation of the Performance of Deep Sea Survey Sonars from the Results of Search for a Sunken Ship
- Observations of the Structures of Deep Convections and Their Environment during the Active Phase of an Madden-Julian Oscillation Event over the Equatorial Western Pacific
- Statistical Features of the Radar Reflectivity corresponding to the Convective Activities over the Tropical Western Pacific
- Spatial Structure and Temporal Variation of Radar Reflectivity for the Description of Precipitation Characteristics
- Stability of Temperature and Conductivity Sensors of Argo Profiling Floats
- Estimates of non-tidal exchange transport between the sea of Okhotsk and the North Pacific
- 260 南琉球弧石垣島南方沖3タービダイト・コアの解析に基づくテクトニクス(海洋地質)