Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Naka Fusion Research Establishment | 論文
- Characteristics of Post-Disruption Runaway Electrons with Impurity Pellet Injection
- 26pA01 トカマクのディスラプション時における逃走電子プラズマの特性(トカマクII, (社) プラズマ・核融合学会第21回年会)
- Loss Mechanism of Energetic Ions Produced during the Lower Hybrid Heating of JFT-2 Tokamak
- Parametric Heating by Radio-Frequency near the Lower Hybrid Frequency in the JFT-2 Tokamak
- Effect of Plasma Profile Curvature on Microwave Scattering in Reflectometry(Gases, Plasmas and Electric Discharges)
- Ion Temperature Measurement with Spectroscopy in JT-60
- Initial Measurements from an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer on GAMMA 10
- Application of Wavelet Analysis to Plasma Fluctuation Study on GAMMA 10
- Development of an Ultrashort-Pulse Reflectometer for Density Profile Measurements on GAMMA 10
- Wavelet Application for Reflectometry of Plasrna Density Profiles
- Cross-Polarization Scattering from Low-Frequency Waves in a Tandem Mirror Plasma
- Cross-Polarization Scattering from Electromagnetic Plasma Waves in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies
- Initial Boronization of JT-60U Tokamak Using Decaborane
- Molybdenum, Carbon and Silicon Carbide Limiter Experiment in the JFT-2 Tokamak
- Profile and Shape Control of the Plasmas with Transport Barriers towards the Sustainment of High Integrated Performance in JT-60U
- ICONE11-36485 R & D Status of Superconducting Proton Linear Accelerator for ADS at JAERI
- Emittance Measurement of High-Brightness Microbeams
- Application of Orthogonal Wavelet Decomposition to Plasma Fluctuation Study
- Effect of Electron Spatial Diffusion on Current Drive
- The Local Counting Efficiency of a Ceratron Multiplier for Plasma Diagnoses on Charge-Exchanged Fast Atoms