Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Naka 311-0193, Japan | 論文
- Development of a Lithium Beam Probe and Measurement of Density Pedestal in JT-60U
- Loss Mechanism of Energetic Ions Produced during the Lower Hybrid Heating of JFT-2 Tokamak
- Monte Carlo Study Based on a Real Coordinate System for Tangentially Injected High-Energy Particles in the Large Helical Device
- Ion Temperature Measurement with Spectroscopy in JT-60
- Real-time Impedance Matching by Frequency Feedback Control in Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequency Heating Experiments in JT-60U and Future Tokamaks
- Joule Loss on a Faraday Shield of JT-60 ICRF Test Antenna : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Effect of Magnetic Island Associated with Neoclassical Tearing Modes on Plasma Rotation in JT-60U
- Density Fluctuation Measurements Using a Frequency Hopping Reflectometer in JT-60U
- Kinetic Particle Simulation Study of Parallel Heat Transport in Scrape-off Layer Plasmas over a Wide Range of Collisionalities
- Observation of Ion Cyclotron Emission Owing to DD Fusion Product H Ions in JT-60U
- Physics Mechanisms of Toroidal Rotation Profile and Properties of Momentum Transport in JT-60U
- Rotational Stabilization of Resistive Wall Mode on JT-60U
- Particle Simulation of Divertor Plasma
- Particle Diffusion Due to High-n Ballooning Mode
- Numerical Study of the Ripple Resonance Diffusion of Alpha Particles in Tokamaks
- Development of High Power Gyrotron and Power Modulation Technique using the JT-60U ECRF System
- Achievement of 1.5 MW, 1 s Oscillation by the JT-60U Gyrotron
- Plasma Rotation Measurements by Passive Spectroscopic Method in the HYBTOK-II using a Dynamic Ergodic Divertor
- Monte-Carlo Study Based on Real Coordinates for Perpendicularly Injected High-Energy Ions in the LHD High-Beta Plasma
- Development of Multi-Wavelength-Range High-Resolution Spectrometer for Hydrogen Atomic and Molecular Emission Lines