Japan Agency For Marine‐earth Sci. And Technol. Yokohama Jpn | 論文
- 気候監視のための海洋デ-タ同化システム
- エアロゾルの広域動態と気候影響のモデリング (エアロゾルの気候と大気環境への影響)
- Search for Objects on the Deep-Sea Floor Using Side Scan Sonar with a Tilted Arrangement Transducer Array
- Sea Trial Results of a Cross Fan Beam Type Sub-Bottom Profiler
- Evaluation of the Performance of Deep Sea Survey Sonars from the Results of Search for a Sunken Ship
- Tectonics and sedimentation around Kashinosaki Knoll : A subducting basement high in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Variations in sediment thickness and type along the northern Philippine Sea Plate at the Nankai Trough
- Steric Sea Level Changes Estimated from Historical Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity Analyses
- D310 2000-2010年の東アジア域におけるエアロゾル光学的厚さの経年変化(エーロゾル,一般口頭発表)
- Compound fault rupture during the 2004 off the Kii Peninsula earthquake (M 7.4) inferred from highly resolved coseismic sea-surface deformation
- Precise aftershock distribution of the 2007 Chuetsu-oki Earthquake obtained by using an ocean bottom seismometer network
- Characteristics of deformation structure around the 2007 Niigata-ken Chuetsu-oki earthquake detected by multi-channel seismic reflection imaging
- D172 グリーン関数法を用いた一酸化炭素排出量の逆推定(微量気体,一般口頭発表)
- P374 データ同化ダスト輸送モデルによる秋季大規模黄砂の解析(ポスター・セッション)
- D167 共通の基準によるSCIAMACHY,OMI,GOME-2の対流圏NO_2データのパイアス評価(微量気体,一般口頭発表)
- D171 東アジアスケールの対流圏オゾンとその前駆体のソース・リセプター解析手法の新展開(DDM-3D)(微量気体,一般口頭発表)
- 大気擾乱が日本海低次生態系に与える影響 (シンポジウム 東アジア縁辺海における大気海洋相互作用と海洋生態系への影響)
- Aftershock observation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake by using ocean bottom seismometer network
- Assessment of the finite element solutions for 3D spontaneous rupture using GeoFEM
- A possible mechanism of M 9 earthquake generation cycles in the area of repeating M 7-8 earthquakes surrounded by aseismic sliding