J-rhythm Study | 論文
- DPJ-005 Abnormal Restitution Property of Action Potential Duration and Conduction Delay in Brugada Syndrome and Idiopathic Ventricular Fibrillation(DPJ01,Arrhythmia, Others (Clinical/Diagnosis/Treatment) 1 (A),Digital Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd An
- DPJ-004 Atrial Electrophysiological and Structural Characteristics in High-Risk Patients with Brugada Syndrome(DPJ01,Arrhythmia, Others (Clinical/Diagnosis/Treatment) 1 (A),Digital Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- DPJ-001 Clinical Usefulness of Serial ECG Recordings in Brugada Syndrome(DPJ01,Arrhythmia, Others (Clinical/Diagnosis/Treatment) 1 (A),Digital Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-043 Inhibitory Effects of Simvastatin and Imatinib on PDGF-induced Proliferation and Migration of Smooth Muscle Cells Obtained from Patients with IPAH(OJ08,Pulmonary Circulation (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The
- OE-373 Abnormal Transmural Repolarization Dynamics at Bradycardia were Associated with the Occurrence of Ventricular Fibrillation in Patients with Brugada Syndrome(OE63,ECG/Body Surface Potential Mapping/Holter 1 (A),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd A
- OE-198 Increased Cardiomyocyte Elasticity in the Transverse Direction in Hypertrophied Rat Hearts Induced by Chronic β-Adrenergic Stimulation(OE34,Cardiac Function (Basic) (M),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- OE-110 High-dose Epoprostenol Reverses Pulmonary Hypertension by Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cell Apoptosis in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension(OE19,Pulmonary Circulation (H),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientifi
- FRS-116 Frequency of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Japanese Patients with Brugada Syndrome(FRS24,Novel Mechanisms of Ventricular Arrhythmia (A),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society
- FRS-023 Red Cell Distribution Width as a Prognostic Marker in Patients with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy(FRS5,Novel Biomarkers in Heart Failure (M),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-745 Clinical Usefulness of the Non-invasive Stroke Volume Measurement System, the Task Force[○!R] Monitor, in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension(Pulmonary circulation(04)(H),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese
- PJ-015 Novel SCN5A Mutations Associated with Japanese Brugada Syndrome Patients(Arrhythmia, basic(04)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-579 Inhibitory effects of Pioglitazone on Migration, Proliferation and Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Human Coronary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells(Restenosis basic/clinical(03)(IHD),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the
- 119) ウサギ摘出灌流心の電気生理学的性質に対するIKr・IKsチャネル阻害と交感神経β受容体刺激の相互作用(第131回日本循環器学会東海地方会)
- 113) 骨格筋芽細胞移植による心臓再生治療 : in-vitroモデルを用いた催不整脈性の検討(第131回日本循環器学会東海地方会)
- Effects of Aldosterone on Cx43 Gap Junction Expression in Neonatal Rat Cultured Cardiomyocytes
- Quantitative Analysis and Characteristics of the Electrograms Recorded Within the Non-Coronary Aortic Sinus of Valsalva
- Distinct U Wave Changes in Patients With Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia (CPVT)
- PJ-657 Mobilization of Mesenchymal Stem/Progenitor Cells into Peripheral Circulation after Acute Myocardial Infarction(PJ110,ACS/AMI (Clinical/Pathophysiology) 1 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulatio
- スパイラルリエントリへの点通電刺激における仮想電極現象の解析
- Optical mapping による spiral wave の解析