International Budo University | 論文
- Is the Metabolism of Toast Alcohol Beverages Influenced by a Meal Taken Five Minutes Later?
- 柔道のトーナメント試合における血中乳酸濃度の動態
- 激運動後における乳酸の除去能力と最大酸素摂取量との関係
- 短距離走における乳酸発生の経時的な変化 : 血中乳酸からの推定
- 10.短距離走における乳酸発生 : 25,50,100,200,400m走について(第91回日本体力医学会関東地方会)
- 植物地理学的にみたスギ科の歴史と針葉樹落葉/常緑広葉樹混交林保護の重要性
- 外国語による武道・スポーツ指導テキスト作成に関する研究 : 2000年度プロジェクト研究報告
- 剣道用語のデータベース化の研究 : 基本動作 1.素振り 2.打突の基本
- Yezonia, a New Section of Araucaria (Araucariaceae) Based on Permineralized Vegetative and Reproductive Organs of A. vulgaris comb. nov. from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido, Japan
- Structure and Affinities of the Petrified Plants from the Cretaceous of Northern Japan and Saghalien XIII Yubaristrobus gen. nov., A New Taxodiaceous Cone from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido
- Structure and Affinities of the Petrified Plants from the Cretaceous of Nurthern Japan and Saghalien. XII. Obirastrobus gen. nov., Petrified Pinaceous Cones from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido
- Structure and Affinities of the Petrified Plants from the Cretaceous of Northern Japan and Saghalien XI A Cupressoid Seed Cone from the Upper Cretaceous of Hokkaido
- 発育期の運動習慣が筋・骨格系の発育・発達にどのような影響を及ぼすか? : 自発運動と発育の関連について
- ラット骨格筋の機能向上に自発的運動量の違いが如何に影響を及ぼすか? : 筋収縮タンパク質組成からの検討
- NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF JAPANESE MALE COLLEGIATE ATHLETES(Proceedings of The 8^ Asian Federation of Sports Medicine Congress 2005 Tokyo)
- 232 Measurement of Scrum Strength in Rugby Football
- Relationship of scores of psychological tests to endocrine values in middle / long distance athletes
- Lack of Effect of Running Training at Two Intensities on Cardiac Myosin Isozyme Composition in Rats
- 1P7:The grading of subjective muscle power out-put in throwing motion
- 2P3:Leg Rotation and the EMGs of Leg Muscles during the Squat Motions with Barbell