Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences Kyushu University | 論文
- Measurement of the Neutral Particle Density in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma by Rayleigh Scattering
- 電子サイクロトロン共鳴プラズマのレーザートムソン散乱法による研究
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics of an ECR Processing Plasma
- in-situ MgB_2 線材の熱処理過程の組織観察
- Thomson Scattering Diagnostics of Glow Discharge Plasmas Produced in Raman Active Gases
- 12a-M-7 ヘリコン波によって生成されたプラズマ中の電子ビームIII
- 26p-C-12 ヘリコン波によって生成されたプラズマ中の電子ビーム II
- 27a-Z-6 ヘリコン波によって生成されたプラズマ中の電子ビーム
- 走査透過電子顕微鏡による鉄鋼材料の中・低倍率観察の有用性 (特集 鉄鋼リサーチの拠点展開)
- 9Crフェライト系耐熱鋼のΩ法解析とクリープ強化機構のΩ値への影響(力学特性)
- Effect of Electromagnetic Waves Propagating in the Periphery of Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma on the Uniformity
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of Microwave Propagation in an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma
- One-Dimensional Simulation of Microwave Propagation in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasmas
- Characteristics of Very High Frequency Plasma Produced with Ladder-Shaped Electrode at High Pressure
- Characteristics of Very-High-Frequency-Excited SiH_4 Plasmas using a Ladder-Shaped Electrode
- Characteristics of Very High Frequency Plasma Produced Using a Ladder-Shaped Electrode
- Production of Inductively Coupled RF Plasma Using a Ladder-Shaped Antenne
- Abnormal Grain Growth of Off-Cube Grains in High Purity Aluminum Foils with Cube Texture
- Influence of Purity on the Formation of Cube Texture in Aluminum Foils for Electrolytic Capacitors
- 高密度MgB_2バルクの力学特性