Institute of laser Engineering, Osaka University | 論文
- Interaction of Laser and Plasma Investigated by Scattering of Light
- The Laser Interaction with Plasma Brillouin Backscattering and Isotope Shift : Spectroscopy
- Heating of High z Plasma by Laser
- Ion Temperature of Laser-Produced Plasma
- Properties of Plasma Produced by High Power Laser
- Generation and Amplification of Laser Pulse with a Variable Pulsewidth Using PTM Method
- 1.52-W Frequency-Doubled Fiber-Based Continuous Wave Orange Laser Radiation at 590nm
- Liner Implosion Experiments with a Pipe Foam Target on Pulsed Power Transformer : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Application of Partial Least Square on Quantitative Analysis of L-, D-, and DL-Tartaric Acid by Terahertz Absorption Spectra
- 2P503 Studies of dynamical transition of proteins with terahertz spectra(51. New methods and tools (II),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Tetrahertz Pulse Radiation Properties of a Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_ Bowtie Antenna by Optical Pulse Illumination
- Iodine Transmutation through Laser Compton Scattering Gamma Rays
- Experiment of Photonuclear Reaction Induced by Laser Compton Scattering Gamma-Ray
- Spatial Distribution of Polarized Gamma Ray Generated Through Laser Compton Scattering on New SUBARU Storage Ring
- Enhanced Quantum Efficiency of Photocathode under High Electric Field
- Soft X-Ray Spectra from Laser-Heated Cryogenic Rare-Gas Targets
- One-Photon Ionization of Liquid Water upon 193 nm Laser Irradiation
- Photolysis of CO_2 with 158 nm (F_2) Laser. Reactivity of O (^1D) with CH_4, CF_3H, and CF_3CH_3
- Effects of Spectator Electrons on X-Ray Spectra of Impurity Ar in High Denisty Plasmas
- High-Crder Harmonic Generation in Dense Plasmas with a High Inensity Light Field