Institute of Space and Astronautical Science | 論文
- Combined ground-based optical support for the aurora (DELTA) sounding rocket campaign
- Detailed Hard X-Ray Measurements of Nuclear Emission from the Seyfert 2 Galaxy NGC 4388 with Suzaku
- The 2006 November Outburst of EG Aquarii : the SU UMa Nature Revealed
- Discovery of a WZ Sge-Type Dwarf Nova, SDSS J102146.44+234926.3 : Unprecedented Infrared Activity during a Rebrightening Phase
- The Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) for AKARI
- In-orbit performance of the hard X-ray detector on board Suzaku
- On the formation and processing of carbon and nitrogen compounds in carbonaceous chondrites
- Suzaku Results on Cygnus X-1 in the Low/Hard State
- Suzaku Discovery of Absorption Lines from the Black Hole Transient 4U1630-472(Chapter 9. Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku observation of two ultraluminous X-ray sources in NGC 1313
- Suzaku Discovery of Iron Absorption Lines in Outburst Spectra of the X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-472
- Radiation Hardness of the Notch Structure Inside the Charge-Coupled Device
- Revealing the High Energy Emission from the Obscured Seyfert Galaxy MCG -5-23-16 with Suzaku
- Probing the disk-jet connection of the radio galaxy 3C 120 observed with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observations of the North Polar Spur : Evidence for Nitrogen Enhancement
- Performance of the Charge-Injection Capability of Suzaku XIS
- Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Search for Oxygen Emission from Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium around A 2218 with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observations of the Local and Distant Hot ISM
- X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) on Board Suzaku