Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | 論文
- 「はやぶさ」宇宙探査機による小惑星イトカワの最近接画像と大型隕石との比較
- Suzaku Observations of Tycho's Supernova Remnant
- Evolution of the Sheared Magnetic Fields of Two X-Class Flares Observed by Hinode/XRT
- Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae
- Four-way communication links for the lunar gravity measurements by SELENE/KAGUYA Mission(WSANE 2009 (Workshop for Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics))
- 2006 December 17 Long Duration Flare Observed with the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer
- Low Energy Charged Particle Measurement by MAP-PACE Onboard KAGUYA
- Galaxy Clusters at 0.9 < z < 1.7 in the AKARI NEP Deep Field
- 高高度気球からの自由落下カプセルを用いた第一回微小重力実験
- Energy Spectra of the Soft X-Ray Diffuse Emission in Fourteen Fields Observed with Suzaku
- The Nature of Unresolved Soft X-Ray Emission from the Galactic Disk
- Verification of the Effectiveness of VSOP-2 Phase Referencing with a Newly Developed Simulation Tool, ARIS
- Milliarcsecond-Scale Spectral Properties and Jet Motions in M 87
- Milliarcsecond-Scale Structure in the Gamma-Ray Loud Quasar PKS 1622-297
- VSOP Observations of the Gamma-Ray Sources J1733-1304, J1625-2527, and J1015+4926
- VSOP Polarization Observing at 1.6 GHz and 5 GHz
- New CTI Correction Method for Spaced-Row Charge Injection of the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer
- Energy-Scale Calibration of the Suzaku X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer Using the Checker Flag Charge-Injection Technique in Orbit
- In-orbit timing calibration of the hard X-ray detector on board Suzaku
- Reproducibility of Non-X-Ray Background for the X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer aboard Suzaku