Institute of Science and Technology | 論文
- An electronic traveler aid for the blind using multiple range sensors
- Elderly Acoustic Models for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition
- Unsupervised Phoneme Model Training Based on the Sufficient HMM Statistics from Selected Speakers
- Quadrupole Resonance in Solid Iodine
- On Some Regularities in the Isotope Effect in the Spectrum of Lead.
- Hyperfine Structure of the Spectrum of Pr II
- Revision of the Hyperfine Structure of the Mercury Spectrum.
- Structure of the Line λ4686 of He II
- Hyperfine Structure of the Spectrum of Cu I and Test of the Hyperfine Structure Formulas
- Quadrupole Coupling in the Hyperfine Stucture of the Spectrum of I II
- Hyperfine Structure of the Spectrum of Ruthenium PartIII
- The Quadrupole Moment of La^
- The Quadrupole Moment of V^
- Calculation of the Quadratic Stark Effect in Ar II
- Isotope Shift in the Spectra of Ne II and W I
- Quadrupole Moment of Nb^ and Test of the Hyperfine Structure Formulas
- Nuclear Spins of Dy 163 and Dy 161
- Isotope Shift in the Spectrum of W I
- Mechanical Barkhausen Effect
- Calculation of the Quadratic Stark Effect in Alkali Atoms