Institute of Mineralogy Petrology and Economic Geology Tohoku University | 論文
- Chemical compositions of chondrules and matrices in the ALH-77015 chondrite (L3)
- Ferropseudobrookite-silica mineral-albite-chondrule in the ALH-77015 chondrite (L3)
- The partially dehydrated structure of natural heulandite : An in situ high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study
- Compressibility of phase A, Mg_7Si_2H_6O_ up to 11.2 GPa
- Effect of temperature and pressure on the crystal structure of topaz, Al_2Sio_4(OH,F)_2
- Stability of dense hydrous magnesium silicate phase G in the transition zone and the lower mantle
- A New Finding of Alkaline Rocks in the Palaeogene Tertiary of the Inner Side of Southwest Japan and its Geological Significances
- Diffusivities of Rare Earth Elements and Ba in Magmatic Silicate Melts at High Pressures
- Lead Isotope Analyses of Standard Rock Samples
- Carbon Isotopic Compositions in Antarctic Carbonaceous Chondrites
- Oxygen isotope microanalysis of a large orthopyroxene clast in A-881526 diogenite
- Laser microprobe technique for stable carbon isotope of organic carbon in sedimentary rocks
- Measurement of gravity along the Traverse Route Syowa-South Pole
- MORPHOLOGY OF GROWTH SPIRALS OBSERVED ON VAPOUR GROWN CRYSTALS(Fundamentals of Vapour Growth and Epitaxy : Lecture Notes of the ICVGE-4 Specialists' School)
- The Asuka-87 and Asuka-88 collections of Antarctic meteorites: Search, discoveries, initial processing, and preliminary identification and classification
- 北上山地,折壁複合深成岩体の鉱物化学組成〔英文〕