Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology | 論文
- P130 モンゴル・トーレ川上流域における降水の標高依存性
- A111 2002-2006年モンゴル・トーレ川流域積雪調査(スペシャルセッション「2005/06年の異常な冬について」I)
- モンゴル高原におけるAMSR-E土壌水分推定の検証
- P19.モンゴル半乾燥地におけるCs-137,Pb-210exを用いた土壌侵食履歴の推定(一般研究発表)(ポスター発表)(2004年度春季研究発表会)
- モンゴルアルタイ・Potanin氷河の気象と融解の特徴
- Remote sensing analysis of drought and dzud from 1999 to 2002 : Toward the development of an effective early warning system(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
- A110 Recent Changing in Snow Cover in Mongolia and its possible hydrological consequence
- Characteristics and Controlling Factors of Regional-scale Variability in Surface Soil Moisture within Semi-arid Grassland in Mongolia(Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period(CEOP))
- Runoff generation mechanism in semiarid Mongolia catchments(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
- Determining soil erosion history and processes using fallout radionuclides in semiarid grassland, Mongolia(2)(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
- Determining soil erosion history and processes using fallout radionuclides in semiarid grassland, Mongolia(1)(Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Meeting of the Union in June 2006 at Mongolia)
- 3E1139 冬季ウランバートルの大気粉じん濃度変動の特徴(1空間-5東アジア,一般研究発表)
- First evaluation of SMOS L2 soil moisture products using in situ observation data of MAVEX on the Mongolian Plateau in 2010 and 2011
- Surface mass balance of the Potanin Glacier in the Mongolian Altai Mountains and comparison with Russian Altai glaciers in 2005, 2008, and 2009(モンゴル・アルタイ山脈ポタニン氷河の2005, 2008, 2009年の表面質量収支とロシア・アルタイの氷河との比較)