Institute of Geoscience, the University of Tsukuba | 論文
- 109 インドネシアチモール島の中生代放散虫古生物地理
- 栃木県葛生町上仙波産ペルム紀サンゴ類
- カナダブリティシュコロンビア州中部フォートセントジェームス地域のキャッシュクリークテレーン中の石灰岩からの紡錘虫 Triticites の一新種
- 石炭紀紡錘虫 Hidaella kameii Fujimoto et Igo. 1955 の再記載
- 東京都あきる野市の中新統五日市町層群に見出された cone-in-cone 構造
- 736. 一の谷層産 Lithostrotion 三種 : 飛騨山地南東部福地産の上部古生界サンゴ化石, その 5
- 39 山中白亜系石堂層の"鳥ノ巣石灰岩"から産する有孔虫
- 857. 飛騨山地一の谷層産のペルム紀カイメン化石
- Pyroanion linkage models for framework structures with the feldspar chemistry : An implication for their hierarchial sequences
- Single Crystal X-Ray Structure Analysis of Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_2CuO_x and Bi_2(Sr, Ca)_3Cu_2O_x Superconductors : Electrical Properties of Condensed Matter
- Single-Crystal X-Ray and Magnetization Study of the 106 K Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductor : Electrical Properties Condensed Matter
- A Single Crystal High Temperature X-Ray Study of Orthorhombic Ba_2YCu_O_ Superconductor
- X-Ray Single Crystal Structure Analysis of Tetragonal Ba_2YCu_O_, a High Temperature Form of the Superconductor
- A Classification of Several Yamato-74 Chondrites
- Origin and Evolution of Condrules Based on Na/Al-Dispersion and -Convergence in Yamato-74 Ordinary Chondrites
- A Classification of Several Yamato-74 Chondrites
- Geochemical aspects of aventurine labradorites "sunstone" with inclusions of native copper : Implication for continental-margin magmatism
- First finding of thallium-bearing ammonioleucite : A signal for the ultimate stage of the hydrothermal process and for a far-reaching effect from seawater alteration of MORB
- A new A1/Si-zoning of hydrocarbon-bearing garnet in rhyolite from Mt.Nijo, Southwest Japan
- Analytical process for microprobing the crystals in a thin section ; Focused on Raman and infrared absorption spectroscopies