Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba | 論文
- Numerical simulation of volcanic plume dispersal from Usu volcano in Japan on 31 March 2000 using PUFF model
- 韓国のカンブロ-オルドヴィス紀炭酸塩岩の硫黄含有量と同位対比:中生代マグマ熱水性鉱床の硫黄起源の可能性
- Hf-Zr interdiffusion in single crystal zircon II: determination by back-scattered electron image
- Stronium isotopic equilibrium of limnetic molluscs with ambient lacustrine water in Uchinuma and Kasumigaura, Japan
- Highly-silicic glass inclusions in eucrites and diogenites
- Strontium isotopic composition of surface water in the Kawakami forested basin, central Japan : Implication for the chemical weathering of andesite
- Geochronological constraint on the brittle-plastic deformation along the Hatagawa Fault Zone, NE Japan
- Leaching experiment of volcanic soil for the determination of plant-available cations using Sr isotopes
- Input of atmosphere-derived cations into andesite during chemical weathering
- Analysis and Model Simulation of Wind Convergence over the Sea of Japan
- 北鹿地域餌釣黒鉱鉱床珪質黒鉱中の底生有孔虫
- Geochemistry of colloidal gold-silica deposition at low temperature and pressure.