Institute of Cetacean Research | 論文
- 鯨類を含む海洋資源の持続的利用をIWC下関会議で世界に情報発信--日本鯨類研究所 大隅清治理事長に聞く
- 日鯨研の活動とIWC下関会議への期待 (特集 IWC下関会議を成功させよう)
- 特別寄稿 なぜ、日本は捕鯨再開を主張するのか!?
- インタビュー (財)日本鯨類研究所理事長大隅清治 鯨類の効果的な保存と合理的利用を考える
- チュコトの捕鯨
- 21世紀の鯨の夢
- 二人のIWC/SC委員の死を悼む
- 第48回IWC/SC会議に参加して感じたこと
- 47回IWC年次会議科学小委員会の概要と加盟国の鯨類資源研究の動向
- ノルウエイの小型捕鯨
- Effects of Semen Extenders and Storage Temperatures on Characteristics of Frozen-Thawed Bryde's (Balaenoptera edeni) Whale Spermatozoa
- Attempt at In Vitro Maturation of Minke Whale (Balaenoptera Bonaerensis) Oocytes Using a Portable CO2 Incubator
- 鯨類資源の利用の歴史とIWC (特集 鯨類の持続的利用は可能か)
- 鯨類と漁業の競合問題 (特集 魚介類と漁業)
- Accumulation of trace elements and persistent organochlorines in resident and migratory waders from Calatagan Bay, Philippines
- Production of Sei Whale (Balaenoptera borealis) Cloned Embryos by Inter- and Intra-Species Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
- Morphological varieties of the Purkinje fiber network in mammalian hearts, as revealed by light and electron microscopy
- Relationship Between Physiological Status and Serum Constituent Values in Minke Whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)
- Comparative Studies on Lipid Analysis and Ultrastructure in Porcine and Southern Minke Whale (Balaenoptera Bonaerensis) Oocytes
- Relationship between Serum Sex Hormone Concentrations and Histology of Seminiferous Tubules of Captured Baleen Whales in the Western North Pacific during the Feeding Season