Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba | 論文
- Morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis of Melampsora species on poplars in China
- The seasonal occurrence of endophytic fungus, Mycosphaerella buna, in Japanese beech, Fagus crenata
- Mycosphaerlla buna sp. nov. with a Pseudocercospora anamorph isolated from the leaves of Japanese beech
- Behavioral Responses of Bursaphelenchus lignicolus (Nematoda : Aphelenchoididae) to Bitter and Pungent Substances
- Aggregation of Bursaphelenchus lignicolus (Nematoda : Aphelenchoididae) to Several Compounds Containing Oleyl Group
- Pheromone Study on Acarid Mites. XII. CHaracterization of the Hydrocarbons and External Gland Morphology of the Opishonotal Glands of Six Species of Mites (Acari : Astigmata)
- Mycorrhizal Differences between Genuine Roots and Tuberous Roots of Adult Plants of Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena (Orchidaceae)
- 緑化樹木の生産と流通-上-
- 緑化樹木の生産と流通-下-
- (E)-2-(4'-Methyl-3'-pentenylidene)-4-butanolide, Named β-Acariolide : A New Monoterpene Lactone from the Mold Mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acarina: Acaridae)
- A Simple Synthesis of α-Acaridial
- A New 2-Arylbenzofuran, ω-Hydroxy Moracin N, from Mulberry Leaves(Organic Chemistry)
- Oviposition Stimulants for the Lesser Mulberry Pyralid, Glyphodes pyloalis (WALKER), in Mulberry Leaves : Rediscovery of Phytoalexin Components as Insect Kairomones(Organic Chemistry)
- Production of germ-line chimeras by the transfer of cryopreserved gonadal germ cells collected from 7- and 9-day-old chick embryos
- Pheromone Study on Acarid Mites XI. Function of Mite Body as Geometrical Isomerization and Reduction of Citral (the Alarm Pheromone)
- Quantitative Determination Method for a Juvenile Hormone III Titer in Honeybee Haemolymph by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography(Biological Chemistry)
- Diversity of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi isolated from hair roots of Rhododendron obtusum var. kaempferi in a Japanese red pine forest
- Hypogonadism in Heat Stressed Goats : Poor Responsiveness of the Ovary to the Pulsatile LH Stimulation Induced by Hourly Injections of a Small Dose of GnRH
- Urocystis tranzscheliana, a newly recorded smut fungus on Primula sieboldii from Japan
- A221 Studies on Biological Factors Affecting Progeny Production in a Pupal Parasitoid,Brachymeria lasus Walker (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae)