Institute for materials Research, Tohoku University | 論文
- Characterization of the Ni-Zn/TiO_2 Nanocomposite Synthesized by the Liquid-Phase Selective-Deposition Method
- Anomalous Enhancement of Nuclear Spin Relaxation Rates of ^Ag and ^In at Low Temperatures in Cubic Γ_3 Ground-State System PrAg_2In : First Observation of Octupole Fluctuations of f-Electrons(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical
- Texture Control and High-Temperature Strength of Directionally Solidified Al_2O_3/YAG/ZrO_2 Eutectic Composite Rods
- Microstructure and High-Temperature Strength of Directionally Solidified Al_2O_3/YAG/ZrO_2 Eutectic Composite
- The Role of ESR in Research of Low-dimensional Antiferromagnets (Application of Submillimeter Wave Electron Spin Resonance for Novel Magnetic Systems)
- Spin Polarization Dependent Far Infrared Absorption in Ga_Mn_xAs : Semiconductors
- Submillimeter Wave ESR Study of Spin Gap Excitations in CuGeO_3
- Submillimeter Wave ESR Study of Magnetic Excitations in the Ising Ferromagnetic Chain CoNb_2O_6
- Magnetooptical Characterization of Cl_b-Type Heusler Compounds, Pt_Mn_Sb_(X=-0.1 and 0, 0.1)
- Growth and Characterization of Yb^-doped (Lu, Y)AlO_3 Fiber Single Crystals Grown by the Micro-Pulling-Down Method
- O12-07 Time Course Changes of Sorbitol Dehydrogenase. Glutamate Dehydrogenase, 5'-Nucleotidase and Total Serum Bile Acids During Acute Liver Injury in Rat
- Magnetic Properties of Unusual Metal System TmS in High Magnetic Fields
- Pressure-Induced Quantum Phase Transition in Ce_7Ni_3
- Magnetic Properties of Rapidly Solidified Ribbon of Fe_Co_V_2 and Spark-Plasma-Sintered Pellet of Its Powder
- Fabrication of Beta-Ti-Type Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr (TNTZ) Wire with High-Ductility by Arc-Melt-Type Melt-Extraction Method
- 3P-179 水素化アモルファスシリコン薄膜上の単純クーマリン・生体膜構成分子複合薄膜(生体膜・人工膜-構造・物性,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Development of Ni-Pd-P-B Bulk Metallic Glasses with High Glass-Forming Ability
- OS0103 化学反応を伴う現象への分子動力学法の適用に関する基礎的研究(OS1-1 燃焼・エンジンの計測技術)
- OS0802 授業アンケートを活用した授業改善ならびに学生の意識調査について(OS8-1 科学技術教育)
- 323 Ar流体の構造とダイナミックスに関する分子動力学的研究(T06-1 マイクロ・ナノ熱流体システム(1) モデル,大会テーマセッション,21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)