Institute for Photonics-Electronics Convergence System Technology (PECST) | 論文
- Automatically-Controlled C-Band Wavelength Conversion with Constant Output Power Based on Four-Wave Mixing in SOA's(Lasers, Quantum Electronics)
- Efficacy profile of bucillamine in rheumatoid arthritis patients in a large observational cohort study, IORRA
- CI-3-5 光デバイスファウンドリーの現状と展望(CI-3.半導体製造技術の現状と今後の展望,依頼シンポジウム,ソサイエティ企画)
- Production of Pentameric Hybrid Immunoglobulins Consisting of IgA and IgM(Biological Chemistry)
- Effect of Polysaccharides on Rheological Properties of Soy Protein Isolate Emulsion Gels
- Preparations of Histone and Nucleosome
- Observation of Light-Induced Drift Effect of Rubidium by Using Two Diode Lasers for Pumping and Re-Pumping
- Fabrication of Quasi-Phase-Matching Structure during Paraelectric Borate Crystal Growth
- Temperature-Insensitive Eye-Opening under 10-Gb/s Modulation of 1.3-μm P-Doped Quantum-Dot Lasers without Current Adjustments
- C-3-66 単一シリコン基板上にレーザ・光分岐器・光変調器・受光器を集積したシリコン光インターポーザの12.5Gbps動作実証(シリコンフォトニクス,C-3.光エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)
- Si Waveguide-Integrated Metal--Semiconductor--Metal and p--i--n-Type Ge Photodiodes Using Si-Capping Layer
- Double-Core-Slab-Waveguide Semiconductor Lasers for End Optical Pumping
- Advances in High-Density Inter-Chip Interconnects with Photonic Wiring
- Fabrication of Quasi-Phase-Matching Structure during Paraelectric Borate Crystal Growth