Institute for Nuclear Study The University of Tokyo | 論文
- Photoproduction of Negative Pions from Carbon in the Engrgy Range between 510 MeV and 750 MeV
- Differential Cross Sections for Single Pion Photoproduction from Protons in the Energy Range between 500 MeV and 930 MeV
- Photon Tagging System at the INS Electron Synchrotron
- The Totel Absorption Cross Section of 250-550 MeV Photons in Carbon, Aluminium and Copper
- Total Absorption Measurements for 450-1000 MeV Photons in Various Materials
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, lV : Photodisintegration of Deuteron at 20 Mev
- Analysis of a Kπ-Scattering Phase Shift and Evidence for the .(900) Meson : Nuclear Physics
- Study of the ^Ni(d,t)^Ni Reaction at 24 MeV
- Fast Neutron Time-of-Flight System for Use with 16" Variable Energy Cyclotron
- New Radioactivity 43-min Yttrium-84
- Comment on Anomalous (p,t) Angular Distributions Due to Form Factor Cancellation
- (p, d) Reactions at 52 Mev.III. ^Si (p, d) and ^O (p, d)
- A Total Reflection Type Cerenkov Counter with High Efficiency
- A Possible Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation in Band-Crossing Region:Occurrence Mechanism of s-Band
- Work with Maskawa on Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Collective Motion(Commemorating the Nobel Prize Awarded to M. Kobayashi and T. Maskawa)
- Polarimeter System for High-Energy Protons Using Carbon Plate and Liquid Hydrogen
- A Numerical Study on the Structure Change of Collective Motions
- New Algorithm for Hartree-Fock Variational Equation : Nuclear Physics
- Quantum Nonlinear Resonance : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation by Means of the Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method : Occurrence Mechanism of Collective Rotation : Nuclear Physics