Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo | 論文
- A Large Amplitude Collective Motion in a Nontrivial Schematic Model
- A Microscopic Description of Nuclear Rotational Motion in Terms of Solid Harmonics Expansion of the Pair Operator. I : Classical Theory
- Concept of a Collective Subspace Associated with the Invariance Principle of the Schrodinger Equation:A Microscopic Theory of the Large Amplitude Collective Motion of Soft Nuclei
- A Microscopic Description of Nuclear Rotational Motion in Terms of Solid Harmonics Evpansion of the Pair Operator. II : Quantization Procedure
- Phase Transition to Abnormal Nuclear Matter at Finite Temperature and Finite Baryon Density
- Proton Decays in an SO(10) Grand Unified Theory
- Theory of Direct Interaction in Nucleon Inelastic Scattering
- 16" Variable Energy Cyclotron
- Spinor Pregeometry at Finite Temperature
- Localization of a Biopolymer Produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis Grown on n-Pentadecane(Biological Chemistry)
- A Protein Bioflocculant Produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis(Biological Chemistry)
- Flexible Adiabatic Light Guide of Silicon Rubber
- コメント:「科学としての」科学教育(Session 8:総合討論「教育のルネッサンスは可能か?」,科学としての科学教育,京都大学基礎物理学研究所研究会,研究会報告)
- 量子情報 : 湯川・朝永のやり残し(まとめにかえて,基礎物理学の現状と未来-学問の系譜・湯川・朝永をうけて-,研究会報告)
- 物理学はなぜ統一科学になれなかったのか
- 共同利用研の発明と宇宙物理,プラズマの揺籃期(湯川・朝永生誕100年記念)
- X-Rays and γ-Rays from a Non-Spherical Patchy Supernova Ejecta : Astrophysics and Relativity
- ECH Plasma for Different Magnetic Axis Positions and Initial ICRF Plasma Production Experiments in CHS
- Durability of CMPO Impregnated Silica Adsorbent under Irradiation Conditions
- A Practical Method Using the Isospin Projection Operator in Nuclear Physics