Institute for Basin Ecosystem Studies, Gifu University | 論文
- スバールバル・ニーオルスンの高緯度北極ツンドラ生態系の炭素固定における維管束植物優占種の光合成特性とバイオマス分布の役割
- 異なる光と温度条件下での天山報春(Primula nutans)の光合成特性と個体の炭素収支
- マレー半島におけるマングローブ植生の植物社会学的研究 : 特に微地形と堆積物との関係について
- 西太平洋島嶼における泥炭地に成立するマングローブについて
- マングローブ種の実生定着に対するAcanthus ilicifoliusの影響
- 東南アジア地域におけるマングローブ種の萌芽力の比較
- Seasonal variation in leaf properties and ecosystem carbon budget in a cool-temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest : simulation analysis at Takayama site, Japan
- 放牧直後のブナ林,カンバ林で観察された群落変化
- Ecosystem development and carbon cycle on a glacier foreland in the high Arctic, Ny-Alesund, Svalbard
- Soil respiration in a high arctic glacier foreland in Ny-Alesund, Svalbard
- Microbial biomass in relation to primary succession on arctic deglaciated moraines
- Effects of light and soil water availability on leaf photosynthesis and growth of Arisaema heterophyllum, a riparian forest understorey plant
- Carbon dynamics and budget in a Miscanthus sinensis grassland in Japan
- Emission of nitrous oxide through a snowpack in ten types of temperate ecosystems in Japan
- A chamber system with automatic opening and closing for continuously measuring soil respiration based on an open-flow dynamic method
- Effects of seasonal and interannual variations in leaf photosynthesis and canopy leaf area index on gross primary production of a cool-temperate deciduous broadleaf forest in Takayama, Japan
- Seasonal shift in factors controlling net ecosystem production in a high Arctic terrestrial ecosystem
- Effects of rainfall events on soil CO_2 flux in a cool temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest
- Carbon cycling and net ecosystem production at an early stage of secondary succession in an abandoned coppice forest
- 北海道小清水海岸草原における火入れと放牧後の植生変化