Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University | 論文
- 赤痢アメーバ原虫に対するトリフルオロメチオニン誘導体の有効性(研究論文紹介)
- System Biology of Archaeal RNAs and RNA-Binding Proteins(International & Interdisciplinary Symposium on What is Evolution? Bicentennial of Charles Darwin's Birth)
- 山形県と近隣山系におけるツキノワグマの集団構造の解明
- 赤痢アメーバ原虫に対するトリフルオロメチオニン誘導体の有効性
- Automated Phosphoproteome Analysis for Cultured Cancer Cells by Two-Dimensional NanoLC-MS Using a Calcined Titania/C18 Biphasic Column
- Quantitative Analysis of Intracellular Metabolic Fluxes Using GC-MS and Two-Dimensional NMR Spectroscopy
- Metabolomic profiling of uremic solutes in CKD patients
- 第四紀の気候変動がツキノワグマの遺伝構造に与えた影響
- Model-based Definition of Population Heterogeneity and Its Effects on Metabolism in Sporulating Bacillus subtilis
- Recharacterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and its relatives with new isolates from Japan
- Comparison and Characterization of Proteomes in the Three Domains of Life Using 2D Correlation Analysis(WHAT IS LIFE? THE NEXT 100 YEARS OF YUKAWA'S DREAM)
- Sustained MAPK activation is dependent on continual NGF receptor regeneration
- Computer simulation of cellular metabolism and its application to medicine(EDUCATIONAL LECTURE)
- Restriction on Conjugational Transfer of pLS20 in Bacillus subtilis 168
- Reshuffling of the Bacillus subtilis 168 Genome by Multifold Inversion
- The HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor Pravastatin Stimulates Insulin Secretion through Organic Anion Transporter Polypeptides
- Isolation and characterization of a novel HS1 SH3 domain binding protein, HS1BP3
- Distinct binding patterns of HS1 to the Src SH2 and SH3 domains reflect possible mechanisms of recruitment and activation of downstream molecules
- Restriction on Conjugational Transfer of pLS20 in Bacillus subtilis 168
- Computational assessment of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity from 2-h oral glucose tolerance tests for clinical use for type 2 diabetes