Institute Of Molecular And Cellular Biosciences The University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Yeast Two-Hybrid Detection Systems That Are Highly Sensitive to a Certain Kind of Endocrine Disruptors
- Comparative analysis of expression profiles of counterpart gene sets between Brassica rapa and Arabidopsis thaliana during fungal pathogen Colletotrichum higginsianum infection
- A model system to screen for candidate plant activators using an immune-induction system in Arabidopsis
- A Relationship between the Mevalonate Pathway and Isoprenoid Production in Actinomycetes
- Single Cell Reporter Assay Using Cell Surface Displayed Vargula Luciferase
- Identification of Streptomyces and Kitasatospora strains from Thai soils with geldanamycin production strain
- A Neuronal Cell Protecting Substance, 4-Demethoxymicigazone, produced by Streptomyces halstedii
- イネ染色体における高頻度反復配列の構成〔英文〕
- 可動性遺伝因子のイントロンへの挿入によるイネWaxy遺伝子の多様化〔英文〕
- Structure-Activity Relationship of Bis-Galloyl Derivatives Related to (-)-Epigallocatechin Gallate
- Transcriptome Analyses Revealed Diverse Expression Changes in ago1 and hyl1 Arabidopsis Mutants
- Alterations of Lysine Modifications on the Histone H3 N-Tail under Drought Stress Conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Arabidopsis Transcriptome Analysis under Drought, Cold, High-Salinity and ABA Treatment Conditions using a Tiling Array
- Three SnRK2 Protein Kinases are the Main Positive Regulators of Abscisic Acid Signaling in Response to Water Stress in Arabidopsis
- Nitrate Assimilatory Genes and Their Transcriptional Regulation in a Unicellular Red Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae : Genetic Evidence for Nitrite Reduction by a Sulfite Reductase-Like Enzyme
- Manoalide derivatives from a marine sponge Luffariella sp. collected in Palau
- Three New Chlorine Containing Antibiotics from a Marine-derived Fungus Aspergillus ostianus Collected in Pohnpei
- A New Screening Method for Antimitotic Substances and Isolation of Glycolipids as Stimulators of Tubulin Polymerization from Okinawan Sponge Pseudoceratina sp.
- Isolation and Characterization of Bioactive Metabolites form Marine-Derived Filamentous Fungi Collected from Tropical and Sub-Tropical Coral Reefs
- Purification and Gene Cloning of a Chitosanase from Bacillus ehimensis EAG1