Institute Of Mineralogy Petrology And Economic Geology Faculty Of Science Tohoku University | 論文
- X-ray diffraction study of high pressure transition in InOOH
- Pressure dependence of u parameter in ringwoodite up to 7.9GPa
- High-pressure single crystal X-ray diffraction and FT-IR observation of natural chondrodite and synthetic OH-chondrodite
- Rb-Sr isotopic study of Yamato-794046 chondrite and its inclusion
- Rb-Sr age of an impact event recorded in Yamato-791088 H chondrite
- Rb-Sr features of the impact-melted LL-chondrites from Antarctica:Yamato-790723 and Yamato-790528
- Cation vacancies and possible hydrogen atom positions in Fe-bearing hydrous forsterite, Mg_Fe_Si_H_O_4, synthesized at 13.5GPa and 1400℃
- Cation vacancy and possible hydrogen positions in hydrous forsterite, Mg_Si_H_O_4, synthesized at 13.5GPa and 1300℃
- Finding dolomitic melnoite diatreme at Badou in the Laiwu–Zibo area, Shandong province, China
- Orientational ordering of three SiO_4 tetrahedra in α'_L-Ca_Sr_SiO_4 that satisfies bond-valence requirements and avoids O-O repulsion
- Chemical compositions of chondrules and matrices in the ALH-77015 chondrite (L3)
- Ferropseudobrookite-silica mineral-albite-chondrule in the ALH-77015 chondrite (L3)
- The partially dehydrated structure of natural heulandite : An in situ high temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction study
- Compressibility of phase A, Mg_7Si_2H_6O_ up to 11.2 GPa
- Effect of temperature and pressure on the crystal structure of topaz, Al_2Sio_4(OH,F)_2
- Stability of dense hydrous magnesium silicate phase G in the transition zone and the lower mantle
- Crystal structural features of hydrous forsterite : Effect of Fe on the M-site vacancies, possible hydrogen positions and variation of the unit cell dimensions
- Raman spectroscopic study of a garnetite xenolith from Malaita, Southwest Pacific
- Application of FIB system to ultra-high-pressure Earth science