Institute Of Laser Engineering | 論文
- Non-LTE Analysis of Soft X-Ray Spectrum from Laser-Irradiated Gold Plasma
- Spectrum-Resolved Absolute Energy Measurement of X-Ray Emission in 0.17-1.6 keV Range from a 0.53 μm Laser-Irradiated Au Target
- Ablative Acceleration of Pellet Shells Irradiated by External Soft X-ray Sources
- Soft X-Ray Driven Ablation and Its Positive Use for a New Efficient Acceleration
- Ablation Nonuniformity on Laser Irradiated Pellet and Collisional Hot Electron Filamentation
- Performance of Radial Focus Applied-B Ion Diode on a Coaxial Pulse Power Machine
- New Scheme of Cannonball Target Driven by Ion Beam
- Light Ion Beam Transport in a Multi-Plasma Channel System
- Characteristics of Intense Ion Beam in Pinch Reflex Diode
- Study of Double Foil Acceleration by Intense Relativistic Electron Beam Irradiation
- Determination of Energies of Intense Light Ion Beams by the Boron-Nitride Nuclear Activation Method
- Ablative Acceleration of Thin Foil Targets by Intense Proton Beams
- Generation and Focusing of Intense Ion Beams in Pinch-Reflex Diode
- Enhancement of the Ion Current Density in Magnetically Insulated Ion Diodes
- Production of Ion Beams in Pinched-Electron-Beam Diode
- Experimental Study on Electron Beam Energy Recovery System Using a Laser-Heated Electron Gun and a Multistage Electron Collector for Highly Efficient Beam Application
- Observation of Spontaneous Radiation Emitted by Electron Beam Interaction with Electromagnetic Helical Microwiggler
- Proof of Principle Experiments for Compton Scattering of a Stored Photon in a Supercavity
- Development of HALNA DPSSL for the inertial fusion energy
- Bandwidth Narrowing of an All-Solid-State Optical Parametric Oscillator Amplifier System