Institute Of Information Sciences And Electronics University Of Tsukuba | 論文
- Sampling Theorem for Spline Signal Space of Arbitrary Degree (Special Section on Signal Processing and System Theory)
- Passive Depth Acquisition for 3D Image Displays (Special Issue on 3D Image Processing)
- False Drop Analysis of Set Retrieval with Signature Files
- Requirement Specification and Derivation of ECA Rules for Integrating Multiple Dissemination-Based Information Sources (the 2002 IEICE Excellent Paper Award)
- Requirement Specification and Derivation of ECA Rules for Integrating Multiple Dissemination-Based Information Sources
- Influence of design high water level, warm index, and maximum snow depth on deterioration rate of wooden crib dams
- Evaluating method of durability of small wooden crib dams with considering the deterioration rate
- Design and Performance Analysis of Indexing Schemes for Set Retrieval of Nested Objects
- Image Processing Method for Intruder Detection around Power Line Towers (Special Section on Machine Vision Applications)
- Real Time Tissue Elasticity Imaging Using the Combined Autocorrelation Method
- A network model for figure/ground determination based on contrast information
- On Flatness and Tameness of Classes of Impartial Games
- Neural Segmentation and Integration in the Perception of Orientation (ヒューマンインフォメーション)
- Realization of a Processor with Virtual Tapes and Its Evaluation
- A Method of Tissue EIasticity Estimation Based on Three-Dimensional Displacement Vector
- 音韻・ケプストラム空間における音声の静的・動的特性
- 日本における最近の音勢コーパスに関する活動について
- 東アジア言語の音声データベース・評価特集号について
- Ultrasonic Imaging Based on Measurements of Viscoelastic Hysteresis in Soft Tissue
- Back-Propagation Learning of Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems