Institute For Theoretical Physics Kanazawa University | 論文
- 31aSE-12 Glueballs in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory II
- 29a-YG-9 Glueballs in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
- 31a-E-2 Glueball Study using the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
- 2Op-B-7 Dual Ginzburg-Landau理論におけるHadronic flux-tubeの諸性質
- 30pSJ-12 Topological structure of the QCD vacuum probed via overlap fermions
- 29pSJ-8 重いクォーク間の運動量に依存するポテンシャル : 静的クォーク間ポテンシャルに対する相対論的補正項(29pSJ ハドロン構造,理論核物理領域)
- 22pSA-5 重いクォーク間のスピンに依存するポテンシャル : 静的クォーク間ポテンシャルに対する相対論的補正項(22pSA 理論核物理領域,実験核物理領域,素粒子論領域合同企画講演,理論核物理領域)
- 22pYE-11 重いクォーク間ポテンシャルにおける相対論的補正(22pYE ハドロン相互作用・エキゾチック,理論核物理領域)
- 格子QCDに基づくハドロン的フラックスチューブの解析(素粒子物理学の進展,研究会報告)
- Dual superconducting scenario of confinement in SU(N) gauge theory
- 双対Ginzburg-Landau理論に基づくカラーの閉じ込めとFlux-Tubeの物理
- Studies of quantum dual Abelian Higgs model corresponding to SU (2) gluodynamics (場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用)
- 30pSF-10 双対ギンツフルグ・ランダウ理論のストリング表示
- Dynamical Gauge Bosons and Hidden Local Symmetries
- Non-Abelian Anomaly and Vector Mesons as Dynamical Gauge Bosons of Hidden Local Symmetries : Particles and Fields
- Gauge Independence of Abelian and Monopole Dominances in QCD
- Monte-Carlo Simulation of Neoclassical Transport in Magnetic Islands and Ergodic Regions
- Profiles of a Broken String in Two-Flavor QCD below and above the Finite Temperature Transition(Particles and Fields)
- Forced Torsional Vibration of a Two Degrees of Freedom System Including Clearance and Friction : 2nd Report, Case of Stick-Slip Motion : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- Forced Torsional Vibration of a Two-Degrees-of-Freedom System Including Clearance and Friction (1st Report, Case of Continuous Relative Slip Motion) : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry