Institute For Laser Science University For Electron-communications | 論文
- Absorption Lines of O_2 and HF in KrF Laser Spectrum
- Highly Efficient Nd:Y_3Al_5O_ Ceramic Laser : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Electron Beam Excitation of Zn_2 Excimer
- Vacuum Ultraviolet Emissions from Alkali-Halide Ionic Excimer (CsF)^+ by Electron Beam Excitation
- A Study on the Vacuum and Extreme Ultraviolet Emissions from Ionic Rare-Gas-Lithium and -Sodium Molecules by Ab Initio Calculation
- Electron Beam Excitation of Cesium Fluoride Ionic Excimer
- High-Power Nd : Y_3Al_5O_ Ceramic Laser
- Ultra-Broadband Supercontinuum Generation and Characterization of Brillouin/Raman Fiber Laser (「ファイバレーザーの新展開」解説小特集)
- Bound-free Vacuum UV Emissions of Kr^+Li and Xe^+Li Ionic Excimers by Relativistic e-Beam Pumping
- Violet Band Emission of Cd_2 Excimer by Electron Beam Excitation
- 高出力2ミクロレーザーTm添加ファイバーリグレーザー
- Coupling from Laser Diode Bar to Single-mode Fiber Using a Stubbed Waveguide