Inst. Laue‐langevin Grenoble Fra | 論文
- 505 3Y-TZP の小角中性子散乱法による超塑性変形中のキャビテションの検討
- Flat Cavities formed in TZP caused by Superplastic Deformations at High Strain-Rates and Their Effect on Elongation
- Characterization of Cavities in Superplastically Deformed Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals by Means of Small Angle Neutron Scattering
- Observation of Off-Diagonal Geometric Phases in Polarized-Neutron-Interferometer Experiments (Waseda International Symposium on Fundamental Physics--New Perspectives in Quantum Physics) -- (Chapter 1. Fundamental Quantum Theory)
- Violation of a Bell-like Inequality in Neutron-Interferometer Experiments (Waseda International Symposium on Fundamental Physics--New Perspectives in Quantum Physics) -- (Chapter 1. Fundamental Quantum Theory)