Inst. For Chemical Res. Kyoto Univ. | 論文
- Selenoprotein Biosynthesis and Selenium-Specific Enzymes (特集1:若手が拓く微量元素研究の最前線)
- Protein Interaction between Selenophosphate Synthetase and IscS
- RNAi-mediated knock down of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- A New Family of NAD(P)H-Dependent Oxidoreductases Distinct from Conventional Rossmann-Fold Proteins
- Expression analysis of mammalian selenocysteine lyase
- Network of Protein-Protein Interactions among Iron-Sulfur Cluster Assembly Proteins in Escherichia coli
- Structure of External Aldimine of Escherichia coli CsdB, an IscS/NifS Homolog: Implications for Its Specificity toward Selenocysteine
- Screening and identification of a protein interacting with IscU
- Tyrosine 265 of Alanine Racemase Serves as a Base Abstracting α-Hydrogen from L-Alanine: The Counterpart Residue to Lysine 39 Specific to D-Alanine
- 2-Haloacrylate hydratase is a bifunctional enzyme with NADH-dependent FAD reductase activity
- Comprehensive Site-Directed Mutagenesis of L-2-Halo Acid Dehalogenase to Probe Catalytic Amino Acid Residues
- Two Kinds of 2-Halo Acid Dehalogenases from Pseudomonas sp. YL Induced by 2-Chloroacrylate and 2-Chloropropionate
- 高温高圧水における有機反応研究の進歩
- 研究物語 イオン液体の不純物戦記--水という「pH指示薬」を用いた不純物の検出法
- 超臨界水・熱水の性質を理解する--水素エネルギー技術の創出に向けて
- 水素エネルギーの実現に向けたギ酸への期待--低炭素社会を可能にする新アプローチ
- Intermolecular Proton Transfer from Formaldehyde Intermediate to Anisole in Noncatalytic Pyrolysis : Phenol Produced without Hydrolysis
- 広い密度・圧力領域における超臨界流体に対する精密密度測定の新しい方法
- Real-time In-cell ^F NMR Study on Uptake of Fluorescent and Nonfluorescent ^F-Octaarginines into Human Jurkat Cells
- 水と生体分子が織りなす生命現象(5)水和の統計熱力学と超臨界水・熱水のエネルギー・環境化学