Ifree Japan Agency For Marine-earth Science And Technology | 論文
- Report on DELP 1985 Cruises in the Japan Sea : Part III : Seismic Reflection Studies in the Yamato Basin and the Yamato Rise Area
- Subbottom structure in the eastern Japan Basin:Preliminary reports of the Japan-USSR Joint Japan Sea Geophysical Research
- レーザー融解K-Ar法による極微量年代測定法の開発
- O-48 極東南部シホテアリン地域北部における日本海拡大前後の火山活動史(6. 環日本海・オホーツク海の火成活動とテクトニクス,口頭発表,一般講演)
- Aftershock distribution of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake from ocean bottom seismographic observation