- Study on High-Frequency Breakdown in 0.8-0.9 GHz
- Waveguide Coupling during Lower Hybrid Current Drive in a Tokamak
- Recent Activities on JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Physical Interpretation of Current Start-Up by rf in WT-2 Tokamak
- Transport Code Study of Electron Cyclotron Heating in Tokamaks
- Spectroscopic Measurement of Electron Temperature during Lower Hybrid Current Startup in JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Ballooning β Limit of a Non-Circular Small-Aspect-Ratio Tokamak
- Wave Propagation to Lower Hybrid Resonance in a Magnetic Field with Shear
- Waveguide Coupling during Lower Hybrid Current Drive in a Tokamak
- Impurity Control by Additional Current Rise and Gas Puffing during ICRF Heating in JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- プラズマ中のイオン音波測定システムの開発
- Orientation Dependence of Flaking of Ion Irradiated Aluminum Single Crystals
- 24aYG-6 ガスパフ付きプラズマフォーカスの多波長帯高速観測
- 24aYG-5 プラズマフォーカスによるパフガスの加熱
- Eikonal Approximation in Partial Wave Version
- Observation of Drift Motion of a Collisional Plasma in Cross Fields
- Rotational Motion of a Collisional Plasma Cylinder in Radial Electric and Axial Magnetic Fields
- Production of Sheet Plasma
- Etching Characteristics of Organic Polymers in the Magnetic Neutral Loop Discharge Plasma
- Investigations of Surface Reactions in Neutral Loop Discharge Plasma for High-Aspect-Ratio SiO_2 Etching